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Dice Roller

Your Rolls

What is an Online Dice Roller?

The Online Dice Roller is a dynamic tool from that allows you to digitally roll one or more dice. You have the option to change the number of dice according to your preferences.


Online dice are often used in board games and other games that require dice.

In addition to the standard six-sided die, users can customize colors, sounds and content, whether images, texts or dots for a unique rolling experience.


Our virtual dice simulator displays the number of all your dice rolls.

Uses of Dice Roller

Whether you're deciding things by luck or just having a relaxing time, a dice roller makes different activities more fun and useful.

Fun Activity

Dice rolling serves as an entertaining activity suitable for solo enjoyment or shared experiences with friends and family. Its widespread integration into board games, role-playing games, and tabletop games proves its popularity.

Decision Making

Using dice to make decisions simplifies the process. For example, when choosing a movie, assign each option a number and roll the dice to make a random choice. You can also simplify decisions by flipping a coin.

Random Name Picker

Our Dice Roller offers you the option to use dots, texts, or images as dice. Have some fun by utilizing the text option to act as a random name picker on the platform. Moreover, you can play vocabulary-based games, referencing the first letter, last letter, or sound.

Probability and Mathematics

Rolling dice helps to develop a basic understanding of probability. When you roll dice, you observe the outcomes, ultimately learning probability distributions and other math concepts.


The dice roller adds a fun element to your gaming sessions with friends. Whether it's board games or other activities that involve dice rolling, the virtual dice roller makes it easy to engage.

Stress Relief

Rolling dice can be a stress-relieving activity that helps to distract the mind from other worries and concerns. It best makes the mood happier when used in tabletop or role-play games.

Random Number Generator

Use the dice roller to create random numbers for different tasks. You can even associate these numbers with titles, making it a creative way to spend time with friends.

How to Roll the Dice online?

Make your own dice! 

  1. You can choose how many dice to roll—up to 3 each time!
  2. Just hit the "roll" button, and your dice will roll for free.
  3. As soon as the dice stop, you'll see the result right away.

Types of Dice?

Just like physical dice, roll a die comes in various shapes and sizes. Some common shapes of roll a die:

6-sided Dice

This is the most common type of dice–shaped like a cube with each face showing a different number of dots ranging from 1 to 6.

4-sided Dice

This type of dice is known as tetrahedron since it has four triangular faces—commonly used in multiple role-playing games.

8-sided Dice

This type of dice is called Octahedron as it has eight triangular faces—often used in various tabletop games.

10-sided Dice

This type of dice is also known as Dodecahedrons. It has ten faces numbered from 0 to 9–primarily used in role-playing games.

12-sided Dice

This type of dice is also called Dodecahedron. It comes up with 12 faces numbered from 1 to 12—widely used in tabletop games.

20-sided Dice

This type of dice is called Icosahedrons and has 20 faces numbered from 1 to 20– often used in role-playing games.

You can use our tool, a powerful 3d dice roller, to roll up to 3 six-sided dice at a time.

How random is a dice?

Rolling dice is a game of chance. Normally, each side of a die should have the same chance of landing face up.
However, due to manufacturing imperfections or intentional weighting, some physical dice may be biased, meaning certain numbers appear more frequently than others.

You can check how random your dice are with a simple test:

  1. Roll the dice at least 100 times.
  2. Write down the result of each roll.
  3. Count how many times each number comes up.

For example, if you roll a 6-sided dice 100 times, each number will likely come up approximately 16-17 times.

If you are still having doubts, then leverage a chi-squared test. It will help you determine if the number distribution is statistically significant. This test will enable you to compare the expected and observed distributions. More clearly, it will highlight the probability of any deviation from the expected distribution occurring by chance.


If the chi-squared test shows that the distribution is not statistically significant, then it would mean that the dice is biased.

Using a dice that shows unexpected results without any biases is always better. You can use our virtual dice roller if your physical dice are unreliable. It will always show results that are accurate.

Let's roll!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between a die and dice?

In simple words, 'die' is the singular form, whereas 'dice' is the plural form. You may come across both terms while playing a tabletop game or wagering. It is just essential to be careful about how die and dice are used concerning the context and meaning.

If I roll a six-sided die, what is the probability of getting 3?

The answer is simple—the probability of rolling a 3 on the die is 1/6 or approximately 0.1667. Keep in mind that this estimation is for a six-sided die. It may vary concerning the type of dice.

What are the odds of rolling 5 dice the same?

The odds of rolling 5 dice the same depends on the type of dice being rolled. For a 6-sided die, the odds of rolling all 5 dice with the same number is 1 in 6^4 or approximately 1 in 1296. This is because there are 6 possible outcomes for each roll, and there are 5 rolls, which means that are 6^5 possible outcomes overall.

More precisely, only 1 out of these 6^5 outcomes will result in all 5 dice showing the same number

How to roll a six on dice?

Rolling a six on a die is a matter of chance and luck. There is no guaranteed way to roll a specific number on a fair 6-sided die.

However, you can increase the likelihood of rolling a six by using proper rolling techniques, such as rolling the die from a higher position and applying constant force to the throw.